Name for Bessel functions (Re: [Maxima] cvs-maxima tests)

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman <> writes:

    Richard> Maple uses BesselJ
    Richard> Mathematica uses BesselJ
    Richard>   there seems to be a pattern there.

    Richard> Macsyma historically did not distinguish
    Richard> between BESSELJ and besselj and so there was
    Richard> a tendency to put _ as a word separator.

    Richard> If we go into the brave new world of upper and
    Richard> lower case, we might consider using BesselJ also.

    Richard> %j  is an attempt to be consistent with
    Richard> %pi and %i.

    Richard> I'd go with bessel_j myself if we must have
    Richard> case irrelevance.

I personally cannot stand mixed case because it's a pain to type,
oftentimes inconsistent on what gets capitalized, and doesn't convey
any extra information.

So count me in as favoring bessel_j, and case-insensitive.

So, I'll modify the bessel simplifiers to be hooked to bessel_j
instead of %j.

The question now is should %j be replaced everywhere by bessel_j, etc.

Perhaps this is not something we should do for 5.9?
