[LindnerW@t-online.de (Wolfgang Lindner)] MaximaSetup_5-6-for-Windows.EXE

I don't do windows, so I'm forwading this message on to the list in
case any one has an answer.


From: Wolfgang Lindner
To: michel.gosse@ac-poitiers.fr, amundson@users.sourceforge.net,
Subject: MaximaSetup_5-6-for-Windows.EXE

Dear Maxima developers,

as far as I know the newest version of GPLMaxima is 5.6.
But sorry, I am not able to use the sources to compile an EXE-File for Windows.

So, do you know who has compiled an new

MaximaSetup_5-6-for-Windows.EXE ??

The Maxima homepage list only the 'old version 5.5'.

Thanks very much in advance for you help.

Best regards
Wolfgang Lindner

Wolfgang Lindner                           Lindner@math.uni-duisburg.de
   Gerhard-Mercator-Universitaet Duisburg  Tel: +49 0203 379-1326
   Fakultaet 4 - Naturwissenschaften       Fax: +49 0203 379-2528
   Institut fuer Mathematik,  LE 424
   Lotharstr. 65
   D 47048  Duisburg (Germany)