Hi Wolfgang.
> as far as I know the newest version of GPLMaxima is 5.6.
> But sorry, I am not able to use the sources to compile an EXE-File for
> So, do you know who has compiled an new
> MaximaSetup_5-6-for-Windows.EXE ??
As far as I know, no-one has yet put together a distributable setup.exe for
the latest Maxima.
If you know:
1. a little about using the Mingw C compiler and the Cygwin development
environment and
2. how to use CVS,
you can build on Windows the latest version of Maxima (including the XMaxima
frontend, using Freewrap) with Gnu Common Lisp (GCL -
Let me know if you have trouble and I can talk you through it.
I believe you can also do it with CLISP on Windows.
Mike Thomas.