Re: Maxima release?

>>>>> "Barton" == willisb  <> writes:

    Barton> I think we ought to make a new distrbution without
    Barton> trying to squash all the known bugs.

That was James original goal, which we see is unrealistic.  That's why
we're asking people for the bugs they think must be fixed.  Doesn't
mean they will, but I hope it will concentrate peoples efforts towards

    Barton> 2. A new distribution might attract more talent to
    Barton> maxima and thus more help in squashing future bugs.

Yes, this is very good since it will be the first real release that
supports something other than gcl.

    Barton> 3. When possible, I'd like future bug fixes to be
    Barton> placed in a "maxima-patch.lisp" file that would be read on start up. Many
    Barton> of the fixes we've done could be handled that way. (When the patch file
    Barton> fixes something that isn't
    Barton> loaded at start up, it may need to be re-read; I
    Barton> think something like this could be done.)

I think this is also a good idea.  It makes future bug-fixes
relatively easy for people who don't want to or can't get CVS access
and helps us so we don't have to do releases all the time.
