Awhile back, Justin Smith asked if Maxima had a function
for testing the equality of expressions by comparing
numerical values at random points. Richard Fateman told him
that (
there was such a function, but that "he would probably do better
with just ratsimp(expr1-expr2)." Here's proof:
(C1) zeroequiv(x-abs(x),x);
/* Let's see how many "random" points are checked. */
(C2) :lisp(trace random);
Warning: RANDOM is being redefined.
(C2) zeroequiv(x-abs(x),x);
1> (RANDOM 1000)
<1 (RANDOM 885)
/* Yikes! zeroequiv tests at only one point. The documentation
warns against using zeroequiv on non-smooth functions. Let's
try it on a function that has a continuous first derivative on
the reals. */
(C3) zeroequiv(x*abs(x) - x^2,x);
1> (RANDOM 1000)
<1 (RANDOM 938)
Again, equality is only checked at one point. Looking at the
(declare (special var v s))
(PROG (R R1 R2)
(declare (special r1 r2))
(SETQ R (SIN (TIMES 0.001 (RANDOM 1000.))))
we see that expression is evaluated at exactly one
point in the interval [0, sin(1)]. (I don't know why the
author used the sine function here.)
The documentation does warn that:
If the expression contains functions
which are not solutions to first order differential equations
(e.g. Bessel functions) there may be incorrect results.
I can guess what the author meant, but Bessel functions do satisfy
first order differential equations: y' = J_0'.
In short, zeroequiv and its documentation could use some code