Re: zeroequiv

On Thu, 2002-08-08 at 14:19, wrote:
> Awhile back, Justin Smith asked if Maxima had a function
> for testing the equality of expressions by comparing
> numerical values at random points.  Richard Fateman told him
> that (
> there was such a function, but that "he would probably do better
> with just ratsimp(expr1-expr2)."  Here's proof:
> (C1) zeroequiv(x-abs(x),x);
> (D1)                         TRUE
> /* Let's see how many "random" points are checked. */
> (C2) :lisp(trace random);
> Warning: RANDOM is being redefined.
> (C2) zeroequiv(x-abs(x),x);
>   1> (RANDOM 1000)
>   <1 (RANDOM 885)
> (D2)                         TRUE
> /* Yikes!  zeroequiv tests at only one point.  The documentation
> warns against using zeroequiv on non-smooth functions.  Let's
> try it on a function that has a continuous first derivative on
> the reals. */
> (C3) zeroequiv(x*abs(x) - x^2,x);
>   1> (RANDOM 1000)
>   <1 (RANDOM 938)
> (D3)                         TRUE

Very interesting! I would have thought it tested several random points,
rejecting those that make the function blow up.

Technically, something equivalent to 0 should never blow up (so
zeroequiv should return false), but it might be interesting to have a
"slightly sloppy" form of zeroequiv that regarded

(x-2)/(x-2) as equivalent to 1 (even though the former function is
undefined for x=2).

> In short, zeroequiv and its documentation could use some code
> Feng-Shui.
> Barton

Time blows wildly against my door       | Justin R. Smith
Stirring discarded sorrows      	| Department of Mathematics and
Like dead leaves of summers past        |     Computer Science
Memories of forgotten lore          	| Drexel University
Making way for new tomorrows         	| Philadelphia, PA 19104
New hopes, new fears,                   |
         and new ways that last         | Office: (215) 895-1847
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