mostly mactex writes:

> 1.  tex handles strings ungracefully:
> (C2) tex("a+b");
>      $$&a+b$$
> Here is a version of tex-atom that (I think) does a better
> job with strings
> (defun tex-atom (x l r) ;; atoms: note: can we lose by leaving out {}s ?
>   (append l
>         (list (cond ((numberp x) (texnumformat x))
>                   ((and (symbolp x) (get x 'texword)))
>                   ((mstringp x)
>                    (concatenate
>                   'string "\\\\'\\\\'" (string-left-trim "&" x) "\\\\'\\\\'"))
>                   (t (tex-stripdollar x)))) r))

I think we should try to make it more robust by wrapping the string in
\verb (or something similar) -- otherwise stuff like:


will cause LaTeX errors.

BTW, is the output from mactex supposed to LaTeX or plain TeX?