Jesper's \verb idea is much better mine. With
(defun tex-atom (x l r) ;; atoms: note: can we lose by leaving out {}s ?
(append l
(list (cond ((numberp x) (texnumformat x))
((and (symbolp x) (get x 'texword)))
((mstringp x)
'string "\\verb#" (string-left-trim "&" x) "#"))
(t (tex-stripdollar x)))) r))
you get
(c1) tex("b&o");
and with
(defun tex-atom (x l r) ;; atoms: note: can we lose by leaving out {}s ?
(append l
(list (cond ((numberp x) (texnumformat x))
((and (symbolp x) (get x 'texword)))
((mstringp x)
'string "\\verb#\"" (string-left-trim "&" x) "\"#"))
(t (tex-stripdollar x)))) r))
you get
(c2) tex("b&o");