I have successfully built cvs maxima using cvs gcl on windows.
I used the Mike Thomas build instructions for gcl using
mingw, msys, etc.
I then built cvs maxima under msys:
- ./bootstrap
- ./configure --prefix=c:/temp/maxima
- make
- make check
- make install
There are a couple of path problem, due I expect to an msys bug, in the
scripts. I don't think these should be fixed in maxima, but we may want
to document them.
The maxima script gives:
$ maxima
maxima: /c/temp/maxima/bin/c:/temp/maxima/libexec/maxima/5.9.0rc1/maxima-run-lisp: No such file or directory
maxima: exec: /c/temp/maxima/bin/c:/temp/maxima/libexec/maxima/5.9.0rc1/maxima-run-lisp: cannot execute: No such file or directory
This can be worked around by the following patch
$ diff -u maxima.orig maxima
--- maxima.orig Wed Sep 4 22:26:12 2002
+++ maxima Wed Sep 4 22:30:58 2002
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
-command="$MAXIMA_VERPKGLIBEXECDIR/maxima-run-lisp -run $MAXIMA_VERPKGLIBDIR/binary-$LISPTYPE/maxima"
+command="/c/temp/maxima/libexec/maxima/5.9.0rc1/maxima-run-lisp -run $MAXIMA_VERPKGLIBDIR/binary-$LISPTYPE/maxima"
if [ "$verbose" = "true" ]; then
The xmaxima script tries to run wish, so either:
- change it to run wish83, or
- add a wish script that runs wish83
I have built a xmaxima.exe using freewrap, but it isn't working yet.
There are problems finding maxima.