Some feedback. I hope it doesn't seem to negative - I too think we
are close on windows.
All this is using:
- win2k
- msys (current)
- gcl-2.5.0 cvs (of a few days ago)
- freewrap5.0
- maxima cvs (10 sep, approx 12:00 UTC)
1. I think there is a typo in xmaxima-paths.tcl. I get an error
wrong # args: should be "file isdirectory name"
It goes away with the following patch.
RCS file: /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/interfaces/xmaxima/xmaxima-paths.tcl,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 xmaxima-paths.tcl
--- xmaxima-paths.tcl 10 Sep 2002 09:19:14 -0000 1.9
+++ xmaxima-paths.tcl 10 Sep 2002 14:16:47 -0000
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
[info exists autoconf(datadir)] && \
[info exists autoconf(infodir)] && \
[file isdir $autoconf(datadir) ] && \
- ![file isdir
- [file join $autoconf(datadir)
+ ![file isdir \
+ [file join $autoconf(datadir) \
$autoconf(package) $autoconf(version)]]} {
# Assume it's CYGWIN or MSYS
2. I get a "Documentation not found .... " message with both
- wish83 xmaxima (under msys), and
- xmaxima.exe (using freewrap)
I investigated the problem using wish83.
Scattering a few puts lines in proc setMaxDir (in xmaxima-paths.tcl),
it seems to me that $up is set incorrectly, so that env(MAXIMA_DIRECTORY)
is also wrong. If I hard coded "set up $autoconf(prefix)" at the top
of setMaxDir then everything worked with both wish and freewrap.
(Obviously this isn't the solution).
3. the maxima process is not killed by xmaxima. It was killed with yesterday's
4. I found the source of some of my own problems.
If these is a maxima script or my maxima.bat file in the same directory
as xmaxima or xmaxima.exe, then xmaxima tried to run them.
- the maxima script doesn't work under windows (without msys)
- my maxima.bat file was to simplistic to work under xmaxima
If these files are moved away then things improved.