Many thanks for the feedback.
> 1. I think there is a typo in xmaxima-paths.tcl. I get an error
> wrong # args: should be "file isdirectory name"=20
> It goes away with the following patch.
Thanks. Fixed. Applied.
> 2. I get a "Documentation not found .... " message with both
> - wish83 xmaxima (under msys), and
> - xmaxima.exe (using freewrap)
I'm not seing that, When you say "message" do you mean a popup
dialog message. Can you try again and see if it's still there?
Maybe I fixed it, or maybe it was your .bat files.
> 3. the maxima process is not killed by xmaxima. It was killed with =
> yesterday's
> code.
Found them. Fixed. Checked in. (FYI, pids can be negative under Windows.)
> 4. I found the source of some of my own problems.
> If these is a maxima script or my maxima.bat file in the same =
> directory
> as xmaxima or xmaxima.exe, then xmaxima tried to run them. =20
> Unfortunately
> - the maxima script doesn't work under windows (without msys)
> - my maxima.bat file was to simplistic to work under xmaxima
> Bang!!!
> If these files are moved away then things improved. =20
I've checked in code that expects maxima.exe to be on the path, presumably
in bin/ rather than in lib/maxima/5.9.0rc1/binary-gcl/maxima.exe.
I can do either, but I'll need an autoconf(lisp) for the latter,
and the former is much more natural I think - just let me know which to expect.
I think I'm almost finished for now - just one more thing on
the essential for 5.9.0 todo list - spaces in directories.
I'll wait a day or two to let the current code get tested
before I fix that.
Many thanks for the MSYS distribution - it gives me something solid
to aim at the get the Windows code shaken down.