Windows builds and the build system rationale

James Amundson <> writes:

> On Mon, 2002-09-16 at 12:50, Stephen Leake wrote:
> > > > The main problem is the use of a shell script. I believe it is
> > > > possible to accomplish all of the requirements above without shell
> > > > scripts (on both Windows and Unix).
> > > 
> > > No, it is not.
> > 
> > Ok. Someday I'll go read the source, and find out why.
> You won't find the reason in the source. You will only find the reason
> after you build a clisp or cmucl image. Neither of them is an executable
> file. You have to type
> 	clisp -M maxima.mem
> for the former and
> 	lisp  -eval '(user::run)' -core lisp.core
> for the latter. That's the problem.

Ok, that makes sense.

So, if we pick gcl as the "standard" lisp for maxima, we could build a
standard standalone executable for Windows (and Unix, and Mac?).
That's one reason to pick gcl as the standard lisp.

Other lisps could be supported, but only by also requiring a shell to
run the scripts; Cygwin or MSYS or equivalent.

-- Stephe