5.9.0rc3 build failure in numerical/slatec/zbesy.lisp, gcl 2.4.3, gcc 3.2

Greetings!  Just a word of advice -- please stay away from gcc-2.96.
It is known to be broken, and should not be nececssary for any version
of GCL.  If I'm incorrect here, please let me know the details!

Take care,

Valerij Pipin <pip@iszf.irk.ru> writes:

> Hi!
> I've just rebuilt maxima-rc3 with gcl-2.4.3 compiled by gcc-2.96. It's ok. All tests were passed.
> So if you wish to use gcl-2.4.3 you probably should use gcc-2.96 or earler. In case gcc-3.2 the cvs-gcl
> is preferable.
> best regards
> Valerij
> PS. To download cvs version go to some place where you wish to put cvs dir, then type
> cvs -d:pserver:anoncvs@subversions.gnu.org:/cvsroot/gcl login
> Push "enter" on request
> Then you can download the whole cvs dir by
> cvs -z3  -d:pserver:anoncvs@subversions.gnu.org:/cvsroot/gcl co gcl
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Camm Maguire			     			camm@enhanced.com
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah