Simple question

Hi there, just a simple routine little question that's hopefully easy
to answer, but which keeps on popping up and being annoying:
basically, how do I force something on the right hand side of a
function definition to be evaluated during definition?

For example, suppose I want to define a polynomial that I get from
desired roots:

(C22) collectterms(expand( apply("*", map( lambda([n], (z-%e^(%i*%pi*n/6))*(z-%e^(-%i*%pi*n/6))), [3,4,5,6])) ), z);
       8		  7		       6		    5
(D22) z  + (SQRT(3) + 3) z  + (3 SQRT(3) + 6) z  + (5 SQRT(3) + 9) z

		     4			  3		       2
 + (6 SQRT(3) + 10) z  + (5 SQRT(3) + 9) z  + (3 SQRT(3) + 6) z

 + (SQRT(3) + 3) z + 1

now, if I do 

(C23) g(z) := collectterms(expand( apply("*", map( lambda([n], (z-%e^(%i*%pi*n/6))*(z-%e^(-%i*%pi*n/6))), [3,4,5,6])) ), z);

			   %I %PI n	    (- %I) %PI n
			   --------	    ------------
			      6			 6
    MAP(LAMBDA([n], (z - %E	   ) (z - %E	        )), [3, 4, 5, 6]))), z)

then (I presume) all this algebra is done every time g is evaluated!

And I can't do:

(C24) h(z) := d22;
(D24) 				  h(z) := D22

since it leads to:

(C25) h(0);
       8		  7		       6		    5
(D25) z  + (SQRT(3) + 3) z  + (3 SQRT(3) + 6) z  + (5 SQRT(3) + 9) z

		     4			  3		       2
 + (6 SQRT(3) + 10) z  + (5 SQRT(3) + 9) z  + (3 SQRT(3) + 6) z

 + (SQRT(3) + 3) z + 1

I just want to define a function from the expanded and collected form
of the polynomial!  Similar problems arise when I try to compute
jacobians etc., so I finally just decided to ask.  (I couldn't find
any hints on this issue in the info file on function definitions...)

Is there a way to do this?  I know of the Evaluate[] function in
Math'a and thought EV might do the trick, but I couldn't seem to get
it to work.
