In the dump following, the same expression "expt" is evaluated in two
different manners, and the result is different (whereas it shoulnd't).
The EV with the expand flag gives the right result.
I would like to know whether this is the SIMPSUM bug that has already
been reported or this is something new.
Also, could anyone tell me whether there is a better way for simplifying
expressions ?
(C1) exp:2^(-INDICE-1)*(INDICE+1)+2^(-INDICE-1);
- INDICE - 1 - INDICE - 1
(D1) (INDICE + 1) 2 + 2
(C2) expt:sum( exp , indice,0,final);
\ - INDICE - 1 - INDICE - 1
(D2) > ((INDICE + 1) 2 + 2 )
(C3) ev(expt,simpsum);
- FINAL - 1
(D3) 1 - 2
(C4) ev(expt,simpsum,expand);
- FINAL - 1
(D4) 2 - 2 2
Thank you.
Mathieu Avila