Install on Windows

Dear Colleague,
Dear Colleagues,

I have followed your instructions below (in your message
by below), having created the 
empty directory C:\MAXIMA_USER and set


either in a special XMAXIMA.BAT file (as you suggest)
or (better) in the AUTOEXEC.FILE of mine (as you also
suggest). In both cases the startup times in my WINDOWS 
MILLENNIUM-based 850 MHz computer reduced both at start 
and at restart from 10 secs or (quite frequenty, particularly at
restart) 20 secs to 3 secs only (or a little less mainly at restart),
what is really natural and already happened with 5.5 beta.
(Note: My XMaxima.exe file for 5.9.0 rc4 is still prepared with

Therefore the problem of delay in start/restart of XMaxima
in Windows has been resolved (I feel) thanks to your suggestions.
Is this generally true in Windows 98/Millennium? (some similar
comments, confirmation by other colleagues too?)

I am thankful to you for your instructions as well as to
Michel Lavaud, who has originally mentioned that 

> I would suspect a bug (or feature?) in xmaxima.tcl, 
> such as looking for a non-existent file on the whole disk ?

Many thanks Michel too for this valuable suggestion!

Thanks to the devotion and excellent work by James,
my sincere congratulations to him again, Maxima 5.9.0 
is now almost ready for distribution and I am constantly
using it during the last few days without problems (even
in the Greek text and characters!). The bug in one problem
of the test files can be easily corrected and the above problem
the MAXIMA_USER directory can also be corrected,
I feel now it has been resolved.

As far as I am personally concerned with my Greek text
and symbols, perhaps I have to move from Freewrap
to Starkits 8.4 (many thanks Mike, but I do know what it 
is so far) since I cannot open Maxima now from its icon 
on the Windows desktop (I can only from Start -> Run). 
The error from the icon is:

Winkill has caused an error in WINKILL.EXE
Winkill will now close

This is my own (just Greek) problem. Not a Maxima 5.9.0
problem. But some help, please? (In 5.5 beta there is no such

Many thanks again and best regards from Patras,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <paricaud at club-internet>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 4:51 PM
Subject: Install on Windows 

> On my Windows98 Machine I have also a 50s startup Time.
> But when I set the environment variable MAXIMA_USERDIR
> to an almost empty directory then startup time is only a few seconds.
> I guess that by default , the MAXIMA_USERDIR is something like
> "C:"  and may be there is during startup a routine which searches
> each libraries on  the whole disk, or something like that.
> So it is better to create a maxima.bat file containing:
> "C:\Program Files\Maxima-5.9.0.rc4\bin\xmaxima.exe"
> Or add the following command to autoexec.BAT