Release Candidate 4 postmortem

----- Original Message -----
From: CRTS" <David.Billinghurst at riotinto>
To: "Nikolaos I. Ioakimidis" <>; "James Amundson"
<>; "Maxima List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 1:44 PM
Subject: RE: [Maxima] Release Candidate 4 postmortem

> Fixed in CVS

Dear David,
Dear Jim,

Many sincere thanks for your interest in the typing error in
the name of Richard H. Rand.

I am also thankful to David for this fixing it in CVS. It was a
significant typing error. Now it's perfect. Thank you!

A book by Richard H. Rand, Computer Algebra in Applied Mathematics:
An Introduction to MACSYMA, Research Notes in Mathematics, Vol.
94, Pitman Publishing, Boston (1984). (Unfortunately, I do not have
a copy, but it is one of the most referenced books on Macsyma.)

A very large number of papers using MACSYMA in perturbation
theory, some of them available to me.

Also the book (I have this book):

Richard H. Rand and Dieter Armbruster: Perturbation Methods,
Bifucation Theory and Computer Algebra. (Applied Mathematical
Sciences, Vol. 65). Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin (1987).

This book uses exclusively MACSYMA. Its Appendix


constitutes (slightly revised) the


file of Maxima and this is acknowledged.

Sometime, perhaps in summer or later, I will discuss the
possibility of making available (perhaps even through the
CVS) a list of some papers I have available in engineering
using Macsyma. A short list I mean.

Many thanks again and best regards,
