Very difficult and fragile.
Here is an example based on one I found on the web:
@SET cd=
@SET promp%prompt%
% do not delete this line %
@ECHO off
PROMPT %promp
FOR %%c IN (CALL DEL) DO %%c %temp%.\setdir.bat
set cwd=%cd%
set libdir=%cd%\..\lib\gcl-2.5.0
set unixportdir=%libdir%\unixport
path %cd%\..\mingw\bin;%PATH%
start %unixportdir%\saved_gcl.exe -dir %unixportdir% -libdir %libdir% -eval
"(setq si::*allow-gzipped-file* t)" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
Mike Thomas
| -----Original Message-----
| From: maxima-admin at www
| []On Behalf Of James Amundson
| Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 5:53 AM
| To: Vadim V. Zhytnikov
| Cc: Maxima List
| Subject: Re: [Maxima] Windows - maxima.bat
| I intend to write a better maxima.bat. The only problem is that I don't
| know anything about writing .bat files. One of the most important
| functions that the maxima Bourne shell script serves is to determine the
| installation directory based on the location of the maxima script. Is it
| possible for a .bat file to determine its location?
| --Jim
| On Sun, 2003-02-02 at 01:31, Vadim V. Zhytnikov wrote:
| > First of all many thanks to James and
| > everyone involved for new Windows build.
| > It is very nice!
| >
| > It would be great to have on Windows
| > simple text console Maxima in addition
| > to Tcl/Tk xmaxima interface.
| > It seems that maxima.bat serves the purpose
| > but I noticed that various path variables
| > like FILE_SEARCH_PATH aren't properly set
| > (in xmaxima they are OK) which somewhat
| > limits maxima.bat functionality out of the box.
| > So maybe this is a feature request for
| > future releases - make maxima.bat fully
| > functional and place reference on it in
| > Windows menu.
| --
| James Amundson <>
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