Thanks for the example. I would not have come up with that on my own.
On Sat, 2003-02-22 at 16:36, Mike Thomas wrote:
> Very difficult and fragile.
> Here is an example based on one I found on the web:
> @SET cd=
> @SET promp%prompt%
> @CALL>%temp%.\setdir.bat
> @
> % do not delete this line %
> @ECHO off
> PROMPT %promp
> FOR %%c IN (CALL DEL) DO %%c %temp%.\setdir.bat
> set cwd=%cd%
> set libdir=%cd%\..\lib\gcl-2.5.0
> set unixportdir=%libdir%\unixport
> path %cd%\..\mingw\bin;%PATH%
> start %unixportdir%\saved_gcl.exe -dir %unixportdir% -libdir %libdir% -eval
> "(setq si::*allow-gzipped-file* t)" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9