Re: [Fwd: RE: Contributed code, etc. (was [Maxima] Teaching differentialequations with Maxima)]

> From: CRTS" <David.Billinghurst at riotinto>
> To: James Amundson <>, Maxima List <>
> Subject: RE: Contributed code, etc. (was [Maxima] Teaching differentialequations with Maxima)
> Date: 24 Feb 2003 09:49:12 +1100
> This probably won't make it to the list, as my mail is still rejected.
> I have been working on some maxima first order ODE routines using the 
> approach in the papers below, and Zimmerman's handbook.  I have "working"
> routines for Clairault, Lagrange and Riccati equations and have made
> limited progress on Lie group methods.
> The routines for Clairault, Lagrange and Riccati equations are probably
> ready for review.

That's really great. Perhaps Nikolaos would be immediately interested.
Please send your code to the list when you think it is ready.

James Amundson <>