Homepage? FAQ?

> Cliff started to put together a Wiki, but we also didn't finish that.
> Would people be more comfortable with a FAQ?
> (I have to confess I would prefer to have a FAQ as long as someone
> wants to maintain it.)

The advantage of a Wiki is that it is easy to add to it.
The disadvantage of a Wiki is that it is easy for anyone to add to it.
Another disadvantage is that information is presented in too fragmented
a way.

The advantage of a FAQ is that it is edited.
The disadvantage of a FAQ is that it requires an editor.

Isn't there some intermediate solution?

I like Wiki's easy access, but it would be nice to have *a little* more
control, with some sort of user registration and vetting/editing

I like Wiki's compartmentalization of subjects (one editing unit per
subject), but I don't like its compartmentalization of presentation (one
subject to a Web page).  It would be nice to have more than one editing
unit presented per Web page.

I like FAQs' editorial unity.  There is no way around the work required
to preserve this, but perhaps there is a way to have different levels of
vetting in the same hyperdocument.

Does anyone know of a better tool?  And of servers which will let us run
