Windows - maxima.bat

Hi Michel.

It works here on XP, and does not seem to have changed, but I believe that
it could depend on whether you use command or cmd as a shell.  Frankly, I
don't know which I use - I'm not a DOS guru - but either way if yours is
better for W98 that's great!


Mike Thomas

| -----Original Message-----
| From: michel.lavaud at univ-orleans
| []
| Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 9:13 PM
| To: Mike Thomas
| Cc:;
| Subject: RE: [Maxima] Windows - maxima.bat
| Hello Mike,
| > Very difficult and fragile.
| >
| > Here is an example based on one I found on the web:
| >
| > @SET cd=
| > @SET promp%prompt%
| > @PROMPT SET cd
| > @CALL>%temp%.\setdir.bat
| > @
| > % do not delete this line %
| > @ECHO off
| > PROMPT %promp
| > FOR %%c IN (CALL DEL) DO %%c %temp%.\setdir.bat
| > set cwd=%cd%
| > set libdir=%cd%\..\lib\gcl-2.5.0
| > set unixportdir=%libdir%\unixport
| > path %cd%\..\mingw\bin;%PATH%
| > start %unixportdir%\saved_gcl.exe -dir %unixportdir% -libdir %libdir%
| > -eval "(setq si::*allow-gzipped-file* t)" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
| Very strange, I obtain syntax errors under both Win98 and Win2k with the
| above file ? Was your message corrupted by mailing, or is the file above
| exactly what you sent?
| The 1st syntax error I encountered is due to the line
| @SET promp%prompt%
|  which ought (I think) to read:
| @SET promp=%prompt%
| otherwise the SET command defines no value for a variable named
| promp$P$G
| (with the default prompt of Windows), instead of saving the value of the
| variable PROMPT in the temporary variable PROMP (to reset later
| the prompt
| at its original value, as it seems to be the aim?)
| I would propose the following beginning of the file, tested under Win98
| and Win2k (I apologize if it was a problem of corrupted mail, and
| rediscovered what you originally wrote ! ) :
| @rem #--- Part 1 for Win9x (95/98/ME)
| @set curdir=
| @set promp=%PROMPT%
| @prompt set curdir$Q$P$_
| @CALL>%temp%.\setdir.bat
| @
| %curdir%
| @echo off
| PROMPT %promp%
|   rem # Uncomment next 2 lines, to check
|   rem # if setdir.bat was created correctly under Win9x:
|   rem type %temp%.\setdir.bat
|   rem pause
| FOR %%c IN (CALL DEL) DO %%c %temp%.\setdir.bat
|   rem #--- Part 2 for WinNTx (4.0/2000/XP)
| if "%curdir%"=="" set curdir=%cd%
|   rem # Uncomment next 2 lines, to check
|   rem # value of curdir under WinNTx:
|   rem echo "CURDIR"="%curdir%"
|   rem pause
|   rem #--- Part 3: Use curdir
| set libdir=%curdir%\..\lib\gcl-2.5.0
| set unixportdir=%libdir%\unixport
| path %curdir%\..\mingw\bin;%PATH%
| set curdir=
| Best wishes
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