Schelter's `affine' package

--- Wolfgang Jenkner <> wrote:
> So here is my plan: I put Schelter's
> original distribution
> in CVS under share/affine, then I apply my patch (which has been
> available for some time now, see the message cited above) piecemeal,
> by "themes".  I think that in a week or so things should be
> reasonably functional in CVS.

Sounds good.  Jim, are you OK with it going straight into share rather
than share/contrib?

> Note that `affine' also contains rewrites of some parts of core
> Maxima (notably a `new-rat' module, which, however, follows the 
> classical GENVAR/VARLIST paradigm).  This means that, in the long
> it might be preferable to replace some parts of core Maxima by 
> corresponding parts of `affine'.

Hmm.  Do the affine parts add more functionality without upsetting the
rest of Maxima?


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