"Mike Thomas" <miketh@brisbane.paradigmgeo.com> writes:
> When I hard wired that path into "imaxima.el", things remained the same as
> before (imaxima hangs). But, when I unixified the hard-wired path:
> "c:/Program Files/XEmacs/XEmacs-21.4.11/site-lisp/imaxima.lisp"
> I got the following imaxima session:
> =========================================================================
> .....
> This is a development version of Maxima. The function bug_report()
> provides bug reporting information.
> (C1)
> (C1) 1+2;
> LaTex error in: 3
> so this is good.
Yep, it looks better. Try to press <Mouse-3> or M-<RET> on the error
message -- this should show you the error log from TeX.
My guess is that the problem is that the 'breqn' package isn't installed
It's been a long time since I used MikTeX on windows, but you have put
the files somewhere in the TeX tree and update MikTeX's database. It
seems to be working for Osmo, so he might be able to tell you what to do
> So, what do I type to test TeX on those files?
tex &mylatex 1.tex