Using TeX (Was RE: [Maxima] imaxima, xemacs and windows)

On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 19:43, Richard Fateman wrote:

> What probably could be done is some open-source
> line-breaking math-ml formatter should be found and
> adapted so to our needs. A macsyma to mathml
> translator should not be difficult. I don't know
> about making the result viewable in imaxima, xemacs, etc
> and (has this been mentioned) how to interact with it, e.g. select
> subexpressions.

I did some research into this, i.e., looked for an open-source
line-breaking math-ml formatter, about a year ago. I found absolutely
nothing that even mentioned the possibility of multiple-line formulas,
much less anything that would do the line-breaking for you. When I asked
about it on the mathml mailing list, I was left with the impression that
line breaking was completely beyond the scope of consideration for most
of the people in the mathml community. My research left me discouraged,
perhaps even appalled.

Maybe things have improved in the meantime. I am not hopeful.

> I don't expect first efforts to solve all problems;
> it is just that sometimes incrementally improving "ok"
> programs does not lead to a solution.  Like trying to
> get to the moon by making longer and longer ladders.

I agree.

James Amundson <>