exterior product & exterior derivative for the covariant antisymmetric tensors

In the attachment 3 files which give an example how to implement some
of the operations of the exterior calculus with   help of maxima's itensor.
"ex_calc.mc" contains definitions for 
1) infix operator of the exterior product. I denoted it via "&".
So for 1-forms a([i]) and b([j]), evaluation of a([i]) & b([j]) gives a([i]) b([j])-a([j]) b([i])
2)the infix operator "@ind" denotes the exterior derivative. Evaluation a([i])@j gives a([j],[],i)-a(i],[],j)
3)the interior product of the form with some vector v  is denoted by "|_".
4)the Lie derivative of the form (1 order and higher) is denoted via @L[v,ind].
So a([i])@L[v,k] gives the k-component of the Lie derivative for a([i]) along vector v.
Currently there is a restriction to use the literally sorted indices (like a([i1,i2])@L[v,i3])
 in expressions with the Lie derivatives.
Examples are in "ex_calc.demo" and "car_iden.mc". In the second one I verify the consequence of 
the Cartan formula for the high order forms,  the Lie derivative has to commute with the exterior one.
The test for the 5-form takes about 15 min (using ~ 2.5Gb memory!) with sbcl-compiled maxima. 
This was the best result. Cmucl  get the job for about 30 min (using 5175590.281 KB!) .
The definitions of  the exterior product and the exterior derivative are essentially relied on the properties of kdelta. 
The Lie derivative is defined though the Cartan formula.

best regards

Attached file: ex_calc.mc
Attached file: ex_calc.demo
Attached file: car_iden.mc