Subject: Re: How to call Maxima functions from Octave
From: Valerij Pipin
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 09:24:49 +0800
Do not know whether this help to discussion.There was netmath
package developed by W. Schelter.
The whole idea was to start some daemon as a network service
that would accept the comand from maxima, octave and some other
program. I tried to build this package on my linux box but
On Thursday 27 March 2003 05:55, James Amundson wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 11:51, John W. Eaton wrote:
> > On 16-Feb-2003, Poul-Erik Hansen <>
> > | I use Octave and the computer algebra system Maxima on
> > | Linux and Windows platforms. I use Octave for the
> > | numerical work and Maxima for my symbolic work. I would
> > | like to merge the two program so that I could call Maxima
> > | functions from within Octave! Have you succede in doing
> > | this and how did you do it?
> >
> > I don't know of any efforts to link maxima with Octave. but
> > if anyone has plans to do something like this, I'd be
> > interested in knowing about your progress or any problems
> > you've had.
> I would also encourage anyone interested in such a project to
> talk to me. Here are some relevant facts:
> 1) I am the Maxima project leader.
> 2) I use Octave every day in my work. (That's work as in
> "what I get paid to do," not work as in "Maxima work.")
> 3) I have spent a great deal of time thinking about ways that
> Maxima and Octave might talk to each other, but have not come
> to any definite conclusion.
> 4) Some sort of Maxima-Octave communication is likely to be
> an official part of Maxima some time in the future, but we
> have several more pressing issues (read "bug fixing") to deal
> with first.
> I should probably add:
> 5) I am not on the help-octave list -- I just peruse the
> mailing-list archives from time to time. Please cc responses
> sent to the list to me.