And further to my previous email on Maxima plotting under Windows, this
command generates bad postscript output (according to gsview32):
(C12) plot3d(2^(-u^2+v^2),[u,-5,5],[v,-7,7], [plot_format, ps],
but this one doesn't:
(C13) plot3d(x^2-y^2,[x,-2,2],[y,-2,2],[grid,30,30], [plot_format, ps],
I'll put this in the bug system.
Mike Thomas.
| -----Original Message-----
| From: maxima-admin at www
| []On Behalf Of Mike Thomas
| Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 10:25 AM
| To: C Y;
| Cc:
| Subject: RE: [Maxima] Differences between Maxima and Macsyma and GPL vs.
| commercial version
| Hi Cliff.
| | Actually, that reminds me - does anyone know if the gnuplot stuff works
| | in Windows?
| I tried Maxima (release version) Gnuplotting on Windows last week
| and after
| tweaking the script to conform with my system, failed with piping problems
| (why - I don't know - but I have positive feelings for the future
| - why - I
| don't know!). The latest versions of GnuPlot are looking pretty
| powerful so
| I think that there may be lots of potential for this route if someone has
| the time.
| I also got colour postscript output of XMaxima plots from the plot window
| save button (after some tweaking, from memory, of the name of gsview32 in
| the plot window print options menu), but with misaligned borders on some
| plots. Once again I haven't worked out why some plots were aligned and
| others not.
| Cheers
| Mike Thomas
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