Hi Cliff.
| Wow Mike! Great news! Very nice work! Question - to make this work
| by default on future Windows installs, will we need to bundle in Tcl?
You should (the best option I believe, with appropriate tests for
presence/absence, file association and path and suitable actions taken
thereafter). Alternatively you could leave it up to the user by logging
warnings about presence/absence of TCL, presence of the executables in the
path and appropriate registry file name extension associations (and what to
do in each case to sort out the problem).
| > The new GnuPlot allows 3D rotations with the mouse (which is faster
| > than the TCL script's slider controls).
| In Windows! Hooray! Last time I had looked this didn't work in
| Windows.
The last time I used GnuPlot was on an Amiga in 1987 so things are
substantially different to me.
| Did this require cygwin installed?
Definitely no need for Cygwin - I am avoiding it as its (valuable) role lies
in other application domains than this one.
| If this works natively I
| vote we eliminate the scroll bar part of mgnuplot - IIRC that makes
| gnuplot reevaluate the command each time it moves a little bit.
Yes, it does, so even on a fast processor there is a terrible lag with the
TCL scroll bars. One fly in the ointment is that older versions may not
have the inbuilt mousing capability. Version 3.8i, by the way, is a
development snapshot.
| Are you using the pm3d package, or whatever it's called, that gives you
| nice color?
I never heard of pm3d until now, but the "readme" for the download I
mentioned in my email implies that it is present. That "readme" is included
at the bottom of this message. The plots I am getting are red and green
coloured wire frames with hidden surfaces removed. Mouse rotations work.
| Thanks Mike!
No worries.
I also verified that this fix works under Windows 2000 with version 8.4.0 of
Activestate TCL/TK last night. On Win98 we may well have troubles - for
example "command" will need to be used rather than "cmd" in the SHELL
environment variable.
At this point I don't understand why SHELL has to be set in the batch file
but I do know that under NT2000 and XP if it is not set at all, or if it is
not set to the Windows shell command, then the "mgnuplot.tcl" TCL script
does not launch because it can't be found.
Happy plotting.
Mike Thomas.
======= GnuPlot 3.8i Download README ===============================
Current mouse and pm3d patches for gnuplot sources are no more stored
on this site. Please get the sources from gnuplot's SourceForge CVS tree:
under OS/2, you can edit and run the following getgnuplot.cmd:
set HOME=.
cvs login .... use <ENTER> when asked for password
cvs -z3 checkout -P gnuplot
You can get the "latest" OS/2 precompiled binaries, which include mousing
for PM and X11 as well as pm3d, from this site; see
Also the Windows binary is available:
Please, notice that the "latest precompiled binaries" are *always* older
the current development sources, so if you notice any problem, please get
and recompile up-to-date gnuplot yourself; see also gnuplot ChangeLog:
Related web pages:
Petr Mikulik