conjugate is weird


I'm a newbie to Maxima (5.9.0 under LINUX) and I'm puzzled by this:

(C1) load(eigen);
Warning - you are redefining the MACSYMA function EIGENVALUES
Warning - you are redefining the MACSYMA function EIGENVECTORS
(D1) /Net/hubble/Users/felix/local/share/maxima/5.9.0/share/matrix/eigen.mac
(C2) declare(a,complex);
(D2) 				     DONE
(C3) realpart(conjugate(a));
(D3) 				  REALPART(a)

Obviously the result is wrong if - as described in the documentation - 
"conjugate" is a function that returns the complex conjugate of its 

Can someone give an explanation? 

And, why isn't conjugate an intrinsic function but - according to the 
documentation - needs to be loaded as part of the EIGEN package?


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