Emaxima not making TeX output for cell

Mark Lawrence <lawrence@unified-eng.com> writes:

> I've just started using emaxima, and can't get it to make TeX output
> for my cells. 
> which is the same as what I get when I ask for a regular update of
> the cell. Asking for a TeX update of all the cells also gives the
> same result.

If Emacs can't find the file emaxima.lisp (which emaxima uses to put
the output in TeX form), then it just updates the cell without TeX
updating it.  (Perhaps this behavior should be changed?  Maybe an
error message: "Can't find 'emaxima.lisp'" would be better.)  So
that's probably what's happening.  
Make sure that emaxima.lisp is in the Emacs load path (the same
directory as emaxima.el and maxima.el should probably work).  If that
doesn't work, let me know.
