Emaxima not making TeX output for cell

On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 11:00:32AM -0500, Jay Belanger wrote:
> If Emacs can't find the file emaxima.lisp (which emaxima uses to put
> the output in TeX form), then it just updates the cell without TeX
> updating it.  (Perhaps this behavior should be changed?  Maybe an
> error message: "Can't find 'emaxima.lisp'" would be better.)  So
> that's probably what's happening.  
> Make sure that emaxima.lisp is in the Emacs load path (the same
> directory as emaxima.el and maxima.el should probably work).  If that
> doesn't work, let me know.

It was the missing emaxima.lisp. I put it in the emacs path and now
everything works as advertised. Thanks.

Mark Lawrence