Plot2d bugs 694770 and 710677

>>>>> "James" == James Amundson <> writes:

    James> I think you are asking the right question. When the dumb approach fails,
    James> it is obvious why and obvious what to do to fix it. Being smart about
    James> plotting is only useful if we are smart enough about it. I am not yet
    James> convinced that we are. What happens if you plot sin(1/x) near x=0?

FWIW, a google search for "adaptive plotting" returns the following
interesting page from yacas:

Basically it does what adaptive integration does by splitting the
interval if necessary.  In this case, "necessary" means that the
integral of the sub-intervals is sufficiently close.  The number of
splittings is limited so we don't go splitting intervals forever.

Seems like a reasonable approach.  Do not know if I'm going to
implement this.  If someone else is interested, I won't discourage you
from doing so. :-)
