Raymond Toy wrote:
>>>>>>"James" == James Amundson <amundson@fnal.gov> writes:
> James> I think you are asking the right question. When the dumb approach fails,
> James> it is obvious why and obvious what to do to fix it. Being smart about
> James> plotting is only useful if we are smart enough about it. I am not yet
> James> convinced that we are. What happens if you plot sin(1/x) near x=0?
> FWIW, a google search for "adaptive plotting" returns the following
> interesting page from yacas:
> http://homepage.mac.com/yacas/manual/Algochapter3.html
Well, is a straightforward port of this algorithm. I've appended it
below. Just replace draw2d in plot.lisp with the following. It works
pretty well for these bugs, and does a pretty good job with sin(1/x).
Unfortunately, plot2d(1/(x-0.5),[x,0,1]) gives a division by 0 error.
Needs work, and I've only tested it with openplot and gnuplot.
Testers welcome!
(defun slow-oscillation-p (f0 f1 f2 f3 f4)
(flet ((sign-change (x y z)
(if (or (and (> y x) (> y z))
(and (< y x) (< y z)))
(<= (+ (sign-change f0 f1 f2)
(sign-change f1 f2 f3)
(sign-change f2 f3 f4))
(defun smooth-enough-p (f-a f-a1 f-b f-b1 f-c eps)
(let ((quad (/ (+ f-a
(* -5 f-a1)
(* 9 f-b)
(* -7 f-b1)
(* 2 f-c))
(quad-b (/ (+ (* 5 f-b)
(* 8 f-b1)
(- f-c))
(<= (abs quad)
(* eps (- quad-b (min f-a f-a1 f-b f-b1 f-c))))))
(defun adaptive-plot (f a b c f-a f-b f-c depth eps)
;; Step 1: Split the interval [a, c] into 5 points
(let* ((a1 (/ (+ a b) 2))
(b1 (/ (+ b c) 2))
(f-a1 (funcall f a1))
(f-b1 (funcall f b1))
(cond ((or (minusp depth)
(and (slow-oscillation-p f-a f-a1 f-b f-b1 f-c)
(smooth-enough-p f-a f-a1 f-b f-b1 f-c eps)))
;; Done. Don't refine anymore
(list a f-a
a1 f-a1
b f-b
b1 f-b1
c f-c))
;; Need to refine
(let ((left (adaptive-plot f a a1 b f-a f-a1 f-b (1- depth) (* 2 eps)))
(right (adaptive-plot f b b1 c f-b f-b1 f-c (1- depth) (* 2 eps))))
(append left (cddr right)))))))
(defun draw2d (f range)
(if (and ($listp f) (equal '$parametric (cadr f)))
(return-from draw2d (draw2d-parametric f range)))
(let* ((nticks (nth 2($get_plot_option '$nticks)))
(yrange ($get_plot_option '|$y|))
($numer t)
(setq f (coerce-float-fun f `((mlist), (nth 1 range))))
(let* ((x (coerce-float (nth 2 range)))
(xend (coerce-float (nth 3 range)))
(xmid (* 0.5d0 (+ x xend)))
(y (funcall f x))
(yend (funcall f xend))
(ymid (funcall f xmid))
(ymin (coerce-float (nth 2 yrange)))
(ymax (coerce-float (nth 3 yrange))))
(declare (double-float x1 y1 x y dy eps2 eps ymin ymax ))
;(print (list 'ymin ymin 'ymax ymax epsy))
(format t "eps = ~A~%" eps)
(let ((result (adaptive-plot f x (* 0.5d0 (+ x xend)) xend
y ymid yend 10 1d-5)))
(format t "Points = ~D~%" (length result))
;; Fix up out-of-range values
(do ((x result (cddr x))
(y (cdr result) (cddr y)))
((null y))
(unless (<= ymin (car y) ymax)
(setf (car x) 'moveto)
(setf (car y) 'moveto)))
(cons '(mlist) result)))))