New website design

Well, here's more proof I shouldn't be allowed near a keyboard ;-).  I
have a new design for the Maxima website, which should hopefully be a
step up.  Goodies:

Uses XHTML and CSS, rather than the current html setup.  MUCH smaller
and easier to maintain.

Currently all the xhtml pages except the release page pass the w3c
validator for XHTML strict.

The menu exists in one file, and is shared by all the pages.  If the
menu needs updating, change that fine and you're done.

New screenshots. I need a good Windows shot and a good Imaxima shot. 
Anyone got some good ones they feel like contributing?  (To forstall
some comments, yes I'll probably make thumbnails and have a click
through to the larger ones - I know the current setup looks funny in a
small browser window.)

Mike's improved Reference manual, as well as a PDF of the Maximabook.

Other various minor things.  Check it out at and let us know what you think.  Is it
worthy to replace the current page?


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