New website design

> new design for the Maxima website...
> Uses XHTML and CSS, rather than the current html setup

Sad experience tells me that standards compliance is not enough. 
Though static HTML is pretty reliable, once you get to CSS, there are
glitches.  Even more, of course, with scripting. What browsers have
you tested it against?  I wonder how many versions we need to go back
for our target audience, which includes not only techies with
high-speed connections, but also high school teachers (and students),
people in less rich countries, etc... who may not have the bandwidth
to update their browser versions easily.

At the minimum, I think testing needs to cover at least versions 5
and 6 of IE and Netscape on Windows and Mac (yes, there are different
bugs on the Windows and Mac versions of IE and NN).  I don't know
what the most popular browsers are these days on Linux and
proprietary Unixes, though.  Some people may even be using Lynx or
Emacs-based browsers....


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