richard noel fell wrote:
> I am using maxima on rehat 7.3 and just installed imaxima according to
> the instructions on its web page. After starting an emacs session and
> typing M-x imaxima, I get the error message "Cannot open load
> file:imaxima". I suppose this means emacs cannot find imaxima. I have
> placed the imaxima directory in my home directory and compiled according
> to directions from the imaxima directory. The INSTALL notes say that the
> installation process is supposed to place files in /usr/local/bin.
> However, I can see no imaxima packages there after the installation
> procedure is finished. Am I being stupid and not seeing my errors?
> Thanks for any help,
> Dick Fell
copy imaxima.el, imaxima.elc, imaxima.lisp to your site-lisp directory
(for example to "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp")