Homepage? FAQ?

Just started using Maxima again for a project. 5.9 seems quite nice.
Couldn't compile it with either GCL or CLISP (will report separately)
but no problem, I managed to install from the prebuilt rpm.

Anyway, I've been away from the Maxima scene for a couple of years.

Is there a single "official" home page? I had 

bookmarked; it's still there but points to

which has nothing later than Maxima 5.6.

I also see a sourceforge page, http://maxima.sourceforge.net/, I assume
that's now the official home page but the continued presence of the
(apparently out-of-date) utexas.edu site confuses me a bit.

Other question: is there a FAQ? Does asking this volunteer me to start



Judah Milgram