continuing work after plot

DIRTY hack:

If you're using unix, you can change plot.lisp (in share/.../src)

In show-open-plot

(defun show-open-plot (ans)
  (cond ($show_openplot
	 (with-open-file (st1 "maxout.openmath" :direction :output)
			(princ  ans st1))
	 ($system (concatenate 'string *maxima-plotdir* "/"
" maxout.openmath &" ))
	(t (princ ans) "")))

and in $plot3d:

      (cond (($get_plot_option '$run_viewer 2)
	     (case plot-format
	       ($zic ($view_zic))
	       ($ps ($viewps))
		($system (concatenate 'string *maxima-plotdir* "/"
			 " maxout.openmath &")


(ie. just append "&" at the end of the string. note that the string should 
be in one line, otherwise unix won't like it)

Should be an option for the $system command, shouldn't it?
