Maxima doc translation

>>>>> "michel" == michel lavaud <> writes:

    michel> Hello Raymond,
    Michel> Thanks a lot ! If you obtain an incomprehensible message in 
    michel> French, i.e. 
    Michel> something else than "FALSE", then you would have the 
    michel> solution,
    Michel> I suppose :-)
    >> Several issues here.
    >> 1.  You seem to have created the info files on Windows.  maxima
    >> doesn't like CRLF.  It wants LF.  If I convert that, maxima gets
    >> farther.

    michel> Ah yes, thank you very much, this was the reason! I translated crlf to lf 
    michel> in all files, and now I have help with describe in French. Great, the pb 
    michel> seems to be solved. There remains now to indicate which version to use. Is 

Interesting, because it still doesn't work for me.  Can you tar up the
new files and the original texinfo files somewhere for me?  Much

    michel> there a switch usable at command-line, or an environment variable, to 
    michel> indicate where to find info files when there the files are in a non-
    michel> standard place?

Making it work was (apparently) easy.  Figuring this out is hard!
