Subject: off-topic >Re: [Maxima] Re: Spam Filter for List?
From: Valery Pipin
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 10:22:11 +0300
On Tuesday 20 May 2003 23:27, James Frye wrote:
JF>Have other people been getting a lot of spam from the Maxima list in the
JF>last few weeks? (And I don't mean all the messages about licensing
JF>questions!) If it's not just me, could the owner enable whatever the
JF>standard spam filters are? I don't seem to get much from other lists I'm
I think there are lots effective methods to fight with spam
E.g, I never get spam from debian list or from plplot one.
They use the different strategies. I like the debian policy about spam,
if somebody likes to use the debian lists for the advertisement he has to pay
1000$ for debian development for one time.... Another method is in use at the
plplot-lists on sourceforge site. They just does not accept messages sent
from smtp with anonymous login possibility.
Anyway, we have to cut the spam from the list somehow.