plotting piecewise functions

A piecewise definition is fine, but the function must be well-defined
within the whole domain.

For example:

  plot2d( '(if x>1 then 3 else 1) ,
          [x,0,3] );  /* Expression form */

    Note that you must quote the expression.

Logically, you should also be able to write:

  plot2d( lambda([x], if x>1 then 3 else 1) ,
          [x,0,3] );                         /* Functional form */

but Maxima has a bug, and doesn't recognize the lambda expression as a

You can also define a separate function:

  f(x):= if x>1 then 3 else 1;
  plot2d( f(x) , [x,0,3] );    /* Expression form */
  plot2d( f    , [x,0,3] );    /* Functional form */
    Though the x is otiose, it is required.

For greater efficiency, you can do translate(f) or compile(f) before
plotting, though this sometimes introduces other problems (translation

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to specify that a function is
undefined in some subdomain, or that it is infinite, so you must use
bogus values:

  plot2d( '( if abs(x)<1.0e-1 then 0 else 1/x) , [x,-2,2] )
    Note bogus assumption of continuity in the plot.

I would hope that in a future version of plot2d, it would understand
return values of UND, INF, etc.

You can get around this by setting the y-range explicitly, and using
points outside the plot area.  This only really works correctly when the
function crosses the y-max/min:

  plot2d( '(if abs(x)<1.0e-1 then signum(x)*1.0e3 else 1/x) ,
          [x,-2,2] ,
          [y,-10,10] )