[Fwd: problem running maxima in texmacs on an win/xp in cygwin shell]
Subject: [Fwd: problem running maxima in texmacs on an win/xp in cygwin shell]
From: James Amundson
Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2003 21:30:31 -0500
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Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2003 09:52:35 -0400
From: Javed Alam <jalam at cc>
Subject: problem running maxima in texmacs on an win/xp in cygwin shell
To: amundson@fnal.gov
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Dear Mr. amundson:
I am a newbie in using texmacs and maxima(5.9.0). I installed the
xmaxima for win/xp and its run fine, however, it does not produces good
output, Therefore I looked around for a nice GUI and found TEXMACS. I
went through the process of installing cygwin and compiling the texmacs
for win/xp. This way I was able to run TEXMACS on a win/xp machine.
However, I had no luck in getting maxima to run within texmacs.
I could not find any documentation that explains on how to install
maxima properly within cygwin on winx/xp so that maxima could run within
texmacs environment. After searching through the maxima mailing list I
found that you wrote a patch so that maxima 5.9.0 can run within texmacs.
I checked the file tm_maxima in the directory
that is exactly same as the one you posted on the maxima mailing list.
I also found the rest of the files in the following directory:
I had xmaxima installed on win/xp as a windows program. This did not
help so I copied the maxima directory within c:\cygwin directory and the
directory where maxima resides is as follows:
This allows me to run xmaxima within a cygwin unix shell installed on
the win/xp. However, texmacs still can not load maxima within its
Sorry for this long e-mail, however, could you please help me in
pointing to my mistake in this setup that is causing the problem. Any
help in this matter will be highly appreciated. I am mostly a windows
user and I am not sure about the correct path variable setup for unix
Thanks in advance.
*Javed Alam, *Ph.D.
*Civil/Environmental/Chemical Engineering Department*
Youngstown State University
Youngstown, Ohio 44555
Phone 330-941-3029
Fax 330-941-3265
e-mail jalam@cc.ysu.edu <mailto:jalam@cc.ysu.edu>
web: http://www.eng.ysu.edu/~jalam/ <http://www.eng.ysu.edu/%7Ejalam/>
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