[Fwd: Re: problem running maxima in texmacs on an win/xp in cygwin shell]

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Content-type: message/rfc822
Content-description: Forwarded message - Re: problem running maxima in	texmacs
 on an win/xp in cygwin shell

Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2003 22:04:03 -0500
From: James Amundson <amundson at users>
Subject: Re: problem running maxima in texmacs on an win/xp in cygwin shell
In-reply-to: <3F54A0A3.9000407@cc.ysu.edu>
To: jalam@cc.ysu.edu
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References: <3F54A0A3.9000407@cc.ysu.edu>


I generally encourage people to send Maxima questions to the Maxima
mailing list. All questions are welcomed there. Maxima mail sent
directly to me runs the risk of falling to the bottom of my Maxima work
queue, which is quite long.

Anyway, I just happen to be working on the maxima-texmacs interface
right now. There are actually many issues involved in getting texmacs to
work with Maxima on Windows. Although I would like to getting the two
working together transparently in the future, I'm not even sure that it
is possible currently.

The only hope of getting Maxima to work with Texmacs on Windows right
now would be to compile Maxima under Cygwin. I would hope that the
resulting Maxima installation would just work with TeXmacs, but I
haven't tried it.

Please let me (and the maxima mailing list) know how it turns out.


P.S. I will forward this message to the list if that is OK with you.

On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 08:52, Javed Alam wrote:
> Dear Mr. amundson:
> I am a newbie in using texmacs and maxima(5.9.0). I installed the 
> xmaxima for win/xp and its run fine, however, it does not produces good 
> output, Therefore I looked around for a nice GUI and found TEXMACS. I 
> went through the process of installing cygwin and compiling the texmacs 
> for win/xp. This way I was able to run TEXMACS on a win/xp machine. 
> However, I had no luck in getting maxima to run within texmacs.
> I could not find any documentation that explains on how to install 
> maxima properly within cygwin on winx/xp so that maxima could run within 
> texmacs environment. After searching through the maxima mailing list I 
> found that you wrote a patch so that maxima 5.9.0 can run within texmacs.
> I checked the file tm_maxima in the directory
> c:\cygwin\usr\local\libexec\TeXmacs\bin
> that is exactly same as the one you posted on the maxima mailing list.
> I also found the rest of the files in the following directory:
> c:\cygwin\usr\local\share\TeXmacs\plugins\maxima\lisp
> I had xmaxima installed on win/xp as a windows program. This did not 
> help so I copied the maxima directory within c:\cygwin directory and the 
> directory where maxima resides is as follows:
> c:\cygwin\tmp\maxima\bin
> This allows me to run xmaxima within a cygwin unix shell installed on 
> the win/xp. However, texmacs still can not load maxima within its 
> environment.
> Sorry for this long e-mail, however, could you please help me in 
> pointing to my mistake in this setup that is causing the problem. Any 
> help in this matter will be highly appreciated. I am mostly a windows 
> user and I am not sure about the correct path variable setup for unix 
> systems.
> Thanks in advance.
