rebuild the installed image: how to?

On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 03:30, Valery Pipin wrote:
> Hello!
> Is it possible to rebuild the installed image of maxima for a particular lisp?

In principle, it should be easy to do so. It has even occurred to me
that we could have a "rebuld maxima" command in maxima itself. In
practice, I haven't worked out the details.

I think you have to copy the .system files into the share src directory,
fix the paths so that the source is found and the binaries get put in
the right place, then issue the appropriate defsystem commands (the same
commands given during the regular build).

Perhaps we should install the .system files by default.

> The share dir has the sources of maxima system. I would like to upgrade some 
> files there from cvs (or, say, after upgradinig lisp version) and build the 
> new image without reinstalling the whole package. Is it possible?

I see now that the way the installed maxima works with clisp and cmucl
means that upgrading your lisp breaks maxima. I have some ideas about
fixing that, but I'm not sure if I will be able to do so in time for
