maxima compiled with clisp giving wrong diff

There was a temporary workaround for this problem posted on the list


The workaround I came up with because I had problem with cvs was posted 
earlier and it was:

Thanks for all the help and the suggestions. The Clisp-2.31 compiled
maxima produced the same answers as the gclisp compiled maxima. It also
works with texmacs on a win2000/cygwin system. I am pretty sure that it
will do the same on an win/xp/cygwin.

I basically went to maxia CVS and copied the following files:


and replaced the files in maxima5.9.0 src distribution with these files
and compiled the maxima with clisp-2.31. I also use the updatedb command
to update the database. This allowed maxima to open up as a shell within

regards Javed

*Javed Alam, *Ph.D.


*Civil/Environmental/Chemical Engineering Department*

Youngstown State University

Youngstown, Ohio 44555

Phone 330-941-3029

Fax     330-941-3265

e-mail <>;

web: <>;


"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be
their own governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives.
A popular government without popular information or the means of
acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy or perhaps both."
   - James Madison /(Fourth President of the United States)/

"Facts are stupid things..."
   - Ronald Reagan /(40th President of the United States)/
