Re: [Maxima-commits] CVS: maxima/share/affine polyb.lisp,1.2,1.3

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman <> writes:

    Richard> Here is the best argument I know:  occasionally the LM or PDP-10
    Richard> code has some information, like the best way to write this code
    Richard> in assembly language for PDP-10, or how neat the LM code would be
    Richard> and isn't it too bad that it couldn't be done in Common Lisp
    Richard> this way...

    Richard> Even given that argument my tendency would be to delete
    Richard> PDP-10 or Lisp Machine  -only code to improve readability,
    Richard> when revising a program, especially since it could not
    Richard> be tested on those machines (ever?).

Perhaps a reasonable approach would be to leave those interesting or
cute historical items in the sources.  

But turn them into comments so that it's very clear that they're not
