On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 15:18, Richard Fateman wrote:
> I think it would be very handy to have a CD that runs texmacs and maxima,
> and could just be handed to students. While some students have linux and
> a few have macintosh computers, most have windows (2000 or XP).
Same here, thats why we're working on Live-CDs The advantage is that
students can use Linux from Ramdisk no matter wich Operative System they
have (They just run the software from the LIve CD, booting from it)
> If I understand the setup now, there is nothing I can give
> the students with Windows.
Yes, you can give them the Live Linux CD with mathematical applications
(like quantiam for example). They will not have to configure the Cygwin
stuff and can use the advanges of Linux without installing. The advange
over Rosseta is that you can package a lot more applications that the
ones developed first on Linux and then ported to windows. You and your
students dont have to wait the porting process.
> On my own computer I have cygwin+texmacs, and separately
> maxima.
> If there is an easy install package for texmacs+maxima on windows,
> I would be very interested in it.
I abandoned this posibility. With Live-CDs I can concetrate more on
content and less in multi-plataform support.