Re: a CD with texmacs and maxima


On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 18:06, Richard Fateman wrote:
> (1) The Rosetta CD does not have TeXmacs. 

Yep :-(

> (2) This Live-CD idea seems attractive, although I assume there
> are some aspects of the setup that may be a problem. 

Almost all the setup is done automátically

> Like lack of security for other networked systems, 

It can be. You can (un)package the software you want in a live CD
althoug there are some CDs with prepackaged options.

> maybe limited access to files, etc. 

You can find live CDs with automount enabled or disabled so the default
config can determine if the user has access to files.

>   If there is a package that runs
> texmacs and maxima, I would be interested in exploring this
> further.  I do not know what quantiam is.

Quantiam is a live CD (derived from Knoppix) wich runs Maxima and
TeXmacs (it has KDE as a default interface).

> Do you have a texmacs+maxima live CD that I can copy?

At this moment I'm packaging by myself. When I have it finished I will
give you the url.

