Running Maxima from Java...


I wrote a Java program for the edition and recognition of on-line
handwritten mathematical expresions. I use batch files to see a
graphic output of the recognition results (generated by latex) and use
Mathematica to do some symbolic calculations and to plot functions.
Because Maxima is distributed under the GNU General Public License, I
want to use Maxima, instead Mathematica, to the same purposes.

I have some questions: Is it possible to save the graphic output
obtained by plot in a determined file, i.e. to specify the output's
file name? Can I specify the size (width x height) of such an output?



Ernesto Tapia                      
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Informatik                     Tel: ++49/30/838-75133
Takustr. 9                                   Fax: ++49/30/838-75109
D-14195 Berlin